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Lavandula, commonly known as Lavender, is a stunning and aromatic summer-flowering perennial that thrives in well-drained, sunny areas of the garden. Lavender is renowned for its fragrant flower spikes, creating an enchanting sensory experience in various shades, from classic purples to soft pinks and whites. This versatile perennial is a beloved choice for garden enthusiasts, offering not only visual appeal but also delightful scents that attract pollinators. Our Lavandula plants are well-established, garden-ready specimens, and poised to bring both beauty and fragrance to your garden. Nationwide delivery available across the UK.

Lavandula, commonly known as lavender, is a versatile and aromatic perennial that adds beauty and fragrance to any garden. Follow this comprehensive planting guide to ensure the successful establishment and flourishing of your lavender plants.


Site Selection:

Sunlight: Lavender thrives in full sunlight. Choose a location with at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily.

Well-Drained Soil: Plant lavender in well-drained, sandy or loamy soil. Lavender does not tolerate waterlogged conditions, so ensure good drainage.


Planting Time

Spring or Autumn Planting: The best times to plant lavender are in spring after the last frost or in autumn before the first frost. This allows the plant to establish before extreme temperatures.


Planting Process

Planting Depth: Dig a hole twice the width of the root ball. Plant the lavender at the same depth it was in the container, ensuring the crown is at or slightly above the soil level.

Spacing: Allow proper spacing between plants, typically 18-24 inches apart, depending on the variety. This ensures good air circulation and prevents overcrowding.



Initial Watering: Water the lavender immediately after planting to settle the soil. Lavender prefers slightly dry conditions, so avoid overwatering.

Regular Watering: Water the plant deeply but infrequently once established. Lavender is drought-tolerant, and the soil should dry out between watering sessions.



Mulch Application: Apply a thin layer of gravel or well-draining mulch around the base of the plant. This helps retain soil moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate temperature.



Lean Soil: Lavender thrives in lean soil. Avoid rich, fertile soil and high-nitrogen fertilisers. A light application of balanced fertiliser in spring is sufficient.



Regular Pruning: Prune lavender regularly to encourage bushier growth and prevent it from becoming leggy. Cut back spent flowers and shape the plant in early spring or late autumn.


Winter Care

Cold Tolerance: Lavender is generally cold hardy, but in harsh climates, consider providing winter protection with a layer of straw or evergreen boughs.


Container Planting 

Well-Draining Containers: If planting in containers, use pots with drainage holes and a well-draining potting mix. Lavender can thrive in containers on patios or balconies.


Pest and Disease Management

Good Air Circulation: Plant lavender with enough space between plants to ensure good air circulation, reducing the risk of fungal diseases.

Pest Resistance: Lavender is generally resistant to pests. However, keep an eye out for aphids and treat them with insecticidal soap if necessary.


Enjoy the Fragrance

Blooming Period: Lavender typically blooms in late spring through early summer. Enjoy the delightful fragrance and cut flowers for various uses, such as potpourri or sachets.


By following these planting guidelines, you’ll create an ideal environment for your lavender to thrive. Customise care based on your local conditions and the specific lavender varieties you’ve chosen.

Congratulations on planting your lavender (Lavandula)! To ensure its continued health and beauty, follow this comprehensive aftercare guide:



Establishment Period: Water the lavender deeply during the first few weeks after planting to help it establish a strong root system. Once established, lavender is drought-tolerant, so water sparingly.

Deep Watering: Water the plant deeply when you do irrigate, allowing the soil to dry out between watering sessions. Lavender prefers slightly dry conditions and is susceptible to root rot in waterlogged soil.

Morning Watering: Water in the morning to allow foliage to dry before evening, reducing the risk of fungal diseases.



Maintain Mulch: Keep the mulch around the lavender to conserve soil moisture and suppress weeds. Refresh the mulch as needed, especially after winter.



Regular Pruning: Prune lavender regularly to maintain its shape and encourage bushier growth. Cut back spent flower stems and remove dead or woody growth.

Spring Pruning: In early spring, trim back the plant to remove any winter damage and shape it for the upcoming growing season.



Lean Soil: Lavender prefers lean soil, so avoid excessive fertilisation. If necessary, apply a balanced, low-nitrogen fertiliser in spring when new growth emerges.


Pest and Disease Management

Aphid Control: Monitor for aphids, especially during the growing season. Use insecticidal soap if necessary.

Good Air Circulation: Ensure good air circulation by maintaining proper spacing between plants. This helps prevent fungal diseases.


Winter Care

Cold Tolerance: Lavender is generally cold-hardy, but in harsh climates, provide winter protection with a layer of straw or evergreen boughs. Avoid excessive moisture during winter.

Container Protection: If grown in containers, move them to a sheltered location or insulate the pots during extreme cold.


Container Care

Repotting: Lavender in containers may benefit from repotting every 2-3 years to refresh the soil and provide new nutrients.

Drainage: Ensure containers have proper drainage to prevent waterlogged soil.


Pest Management

Companion Planting: Consider planting lavender near other plants that repel pests, as lavender is known for its pest-repelling properties.


Enjoy the Benefits

Harvesting: Enjoy the aromatic blooms by harvesting flowers for various uses such as potpourri, sachets, or culinary applications.


By following this aftercare guide, you’ll ensure that your lavender continues to thrive, providing beauty, fragrance, and a multitude of uses in your garden. Customise care based on your local conditions and specific lavender varieties. Happy gardening!

While Lavandula (lavender) is a resilient and hardy plant, extreme weather conditions can pose challenges beyond our control. Please be aware of the following considerations:


Extreme Temperatures

Cold Weather: Lavandula is generally cold-tolerant, but extended periods of extreme cold, especially without proper insulation, may impact its health. Consider providing winter protection in severe conditions.

Heatwaves: Lavender thrives in full sun, but prolonged heatwaves with extremely high temperatures may cause stress. Adequate watering and afternoon shade during intense heat can help mitigate potential issues.


Excessive Rainfall

Waterlogged Soil: Lavandula prefers well-drained soil, and excessive rainfall, especially in poorly draining soil, may lead to root rot. Planting in well-draining soil and using mulch can help prevent waterlogging.


Severe Drought

Drought Tolerance: Lavender is drought-tolerant once established, but severe and prolonged drought conditions may affect its vitality. Ensure adequate watering during dry spells, especially for newly planted specimens.


Windy Conditions

Wind Damage: Lavender can be susceptible to breakage in extremely high winds. Providing a windbreak or staking taller varieties can offer protection during windy conditions.


Unpredictable Events

Natural Variables: Lavandula, like any living organism, is influenced by natural variables. Unpredictable events such as storms, hail, or other extreme weather phenomena may impact plant health despite best care practices.


Customer Responsibility:

Monitoring and Adaptation: It is the responsibility of the gardener to monitor local weather conditions and adapt care practices accordingly. Proactive measures, such as protective shading during extreme heat or winter insulation, may be necessary based on your specific local weather.


No Guarantee

Nature’s Unpredictability: Due to the unpredictable nature of extreme weather, we cannot guarantee the outcome of Lavandula’s response to such conditions. Plants may exhibit stress or damage beyond our control.

Expert Guidance: If you have specific concerns or questions related to extreme weather impacts on your Lavandula, feel free to reach out. Our team is here to offer guidance and support within the scope of our expertise.


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Note: This disclaimer serves to acknowledge the unpredictability of extreme weather events and the associated risks to Lavandula plants. Your understanding and proactive care are essential for ensuring the well-being of your garden.