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Nepeta, commonly known as Catmint, is a stunning and aromatic summer-flowering perennial that thrives in well-drained, sunny areas of the garden. Known for its graceful spikes of flowers, Nepeta adds beauty and fragrance to any outdoor space. These perennials come in various shades, from soft blues to purples, creating a visually enchanting display. Nepeta varieties typically prefer well-drained soil and full sunlight, making them versatile and resilient additions to different garden settings. Our collection of well-established, garden ready Nepeta plants are available in various colours. Convenient nationwide delivery across the UK.

Nepeta, commonly known as Catmint or Catnip, is a delightful perennial that attracts pollinators and adds a touch of beauty to your garden. Follow this comprehensive planting guide for successful cultivation:


Site Selection

Sunlight: Choose a location with full sun to partial shade. Nepeta thrives in full sunlight, but it can tolerate some shade.

Soil Type: Plant Nepeta in well-draining soil with a pH level between 6.1 and 7.8. It is adaptable to various soil types but prefers moderately fertile soil.


Planting Time

Spring or Autumn Planting: Plant Nepeta in the spring after the last frost or in the autumn. This allows the plant to establish itself before extreme weather conditions set in.


Planting Process

Seed Planting: Sow seeds directly in the garden in early spring or late autumn. Press them lightly into the soil and keep it consistently moist until germination.

Transplanting: If using seedlings, space them about 18 to 24 inches apart. Dig a hole, place the seedling, and fill with soil. Water thoroughly.



Establishment Period: Water newly planted Nepeta regularly during the first few weeks to help establish a strong root system.

Regular Watering: Once established, water consistently, especially during dry spells. Nepeta prefers slightly drier conditions than some other perennials.



Mulch Application: Apply a layer of organic mulch around the base of the plants to conserve moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.



Minimal Fertilisation: Nepeta is not heavy feeders. A layer of compost in the spring should be sufficient. Avoid excessive fertilisation to prevent leggy growth.



Deadheading: Remove spent flowers regularly to encourage continuous blooming and prevent self-seeding. Pruning can also help maintain a compact and tidy appearance.


Division (Every Few Years):

Prevent Overcrowding: Divide Nepeta every few years to prevent overcrowding and rejuvenate the plant. Divide in early spring or autumn.


Pest and Disease Management

Deer Resistance: Nepeta is often resistant to deer, but it can attract cats. If catnip is not desired, consider protecting the plants or placing them where feline visitors won’t be an issue.


Enjoy the Blooms

Blooming Season: Nepeta typically blooms from late spring to early autumn, attracting bees and butterflies with its small, tubular flowers.


By following these guidelines, you’ll create an optimal environment for your Nepeta plants to thrive and contribute to the beauty of your garden. Customise care based on the specific Nepeta variety you have and the local growing conditions. Happy gardening!

Nepeta, commonly known as Catmint or Catnip, is a low-maintenance perennial, but proper aftercare enhances its health and longevity. Follow these guidelines to ensure your Nepeta plants continue to thrive:



Regular Watering: Once established, Nepeta is relatively drought-tolerant. Water deeply during dry spells, but allow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings to prevent waterlogged conditions.



Mulch Maintenance: Maintain a 2 to 3-inch layer of organic mulch around the base of Nepeta. Mulch helps retain soil moisture, suppress weeds, and insulate the roots from temperature extremes.



Minimal Fertilisation: Nepeta doesn’t require heavy feeding. In early spring, top-dress with compost or a balanced, slow-release fertiliser. Avoid excessive fertilisation to prevent overly lush growth.



Deadheading: Remove spent flowers regularly to encourage continuous blooming. Deadheading also prevents self-seeding, keeping the plant tidy. Cut back the entire plant after the first flush of blooms to encourage a second round.


Division (Every Few Years)

Rejuvenation: Divide Nepeta every few years in early spring or autumn to prevent overcrowding and maintain vigour. Division helps rejuvenate the plant and promotes better flowering.


Pest and Disease Management

Deer Resistance: Nepeta is often resistant to deer, but it may attract cats. If catnip is not desired, consider protecting the plants or placing them in areas less accessible to feline visitors.

Powdery Mildew: Provide good air circulation by spacing plants adequately to minimise the risk of powdery mildew. If detected, treat with fungicides according to package instructions.


Seasonal Clean-Up

Autumn Tidying: In late autumn, cut back Nepeta to a few inches above the ground. This helps prevent disease and prepares the plant for winter.


Winter Care 

Minimal Winter Protection: Established Nepeta plants are generally hardy. In colder climates, a layer of winter mulch can provide additional protection.


Observation and Adjustment

Regular Monitoring: Keep an eye on your Nepeta for any signs of stress, disease, or pest infestations. Adjust care practices accordingly.


Enjoy the Benefits

Pollinator Attraction: Nepeta is a pollinator-friendly plant, attracting bees and butterflies. Enjoy the benefits it brings to your garden’s biodiversity.


By following these aftercare practices, you’ll contribute to the overall well-being and beauty of your Nepeta plants. Customise care based on the specific Nepeta variety you have and the unique conditions of your garden.

Nepeta, also known as Catmint or Catnip, is a resilient and adaptable perennial plant. While it generally thrives under various conditions, extreme weather events can impact its health. Please consider the following disclaimer:


Frost and Freezing Temperatures

Nepeta may experience damage during late spring frosts or early autumn freezes. Protective measures, such as covering the plants, are advisable during unexpected temperature drops.


Prolonged Heatwaves

Extended periods of extreme heat can stress Nepeta plants. Adequate watering and providing temporary shading during intense heat can help mitigate potential heat stress.


Waterlogged Soil

Nepeta prefers well-draining soil. Excessive rainfall leading to waterlogged conditions can increase the risk of root rot. Ensure proper drainage to avoid waterlogged soil.


Drought Conditions

While Nepeta appreciates regular moisture, extended drought can impact its health. Ensure consistent watering during dry spells to maintain optimal soil moisture levels.


Wind Damage

Nepeta plants are generally resilient, but taller varieties may be susceptible to wind damage. Staking or providing windbreaks can help prevent breakage during high winds.


Unpredictable Events

Natural variables like storms, hail, or other extreme weather phenomena can impact Nepeta despite best care practices. Unforeseen events may result in stress or damage beyond our control.


Customer Responsibility

Gardeners are responsible for monitoring local weather conditions and taking proactive measures. This includes providing protection during extreme weather events and adapting care practices accordingly.


No Guarantee

Due to the unpredictable nature of extreme weather, we cannot guarantee the outcome of Nepeta’s response to such conditions. Plants may exhibit stress or damage beyond our control.


If you have specific concerns or questions related to extreme weather impacts on your Nepeta, feel free to reach out. Our team is here to offer guidance and support within the scope of our expertise.




Note: This disclaimer serves to acknowledge the inherent unpredictability of extreme weather events and the associated risks to Nepeta plants. Your understanding and proactive care are crucial for ensuring the well-being of your garden.