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Paeonia, commonly known as Peony, is a stunning and timeless summer-flowering perennial that flourishes in well-drained, sunny areas of the garden. Known for its luxurious and extravagant blooms, the Peony adds a touch of opulence and romance to any outdoor space. These perennials come in a range of enchanting colours, from rich pinks to pristine whites, creating an exceptionally elegant display. Paeonia varieties typically prefer well-drained soil and full sunlight, making them versatile and resilient additions to different garden settings. Our collection of well-established, garden ready Paeonia plants are available in various colours, ready to bring the classic beauty of Peonies to your garden.

Paeonia, commonly known as peony, is a stunning perennial that graces gardens with its large, showy flowers. Follow this comprehensive planting guide to ensure your peonies thrive:


Site Selection

Sunlight: Plant peonies in a location with full sun to partial shade. Adequate sunlight is essential for robust flowering.

Soil Type: Choose well-draining, fertile soil with a slightly acidic to neutral pH (6.0 to 7.0). Peonies prefer rich, loamy soil.


Planting Time

Autumn Planting: The best time to plant peonies is in the autumn, ideally from late September to early November. This allows the plant to establish roots before winter.


Planting Process

Prepare the Soil: Work the soil to a depth of about 12-18 inches, incorporating organic matter such as compost. Ensure good drainage.

Planting Depth: Place the peony tuber (or root) with the eyes (buds) facing upward at a depth of 1-2 inches below the soil surface. Planting too deep can result in poor flowering.

Spacing: Plant peonies about 3 to 4 feet apart to allow for proper air circulation and prevent overcrowding.



Initial Watering: Water thoroughly after planting to settle the soil. During dry spells, provide supplemental watering.



Mulch Application: Apply a layer of organic mulch around the peony to retain soil moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.



Spring Fertilisation: In early spring, apply a balanced fertiliser or a fertiliser specifically formulated for peonies. Avoid excessive nitrogen, as it can lead to weak stems.


Support Structures

Install Supports: Peonies often benefit from support to prevent the heavy flowers from drooping. Install stakes or rings early in the spring.



Deadheading: Remove spent flowers to encourage additional blooming. Cut back the stems to ground level in the autumn after the foliage has died back.


Pest and Disease Management

Watch for Diseases: Keep an eye out for common peony diseases such as botrytis blight. Apply fungicides as needed and practice good garden hygiene.


Division (Every Few Years)

Rejuvenation: Divide peonies every 5 to 10 years to prevent overcrowding and improve flowering. Divisions should have three to five eyes.


Winter Care

Cut Back in Autumn: In the autumn, after the first frost, cut back the peony foliage to ground level and remove any debris from the garden.


Enjoy the Blooms

Blooming Season: Peonies typically bloom in late spring to early summer, producing large, fragrant flowers. Enjoy the spectacular display!


By following these guidelines, you’ll provide your peonies with the optimal conditions for growth and blooming. Customise care based on the specific peony variety you have, and revel in the beauty they bring to your garden.

After planting your peonies, proper aftercare is crucial to ensure their continued health and prolific blooming. Follow these guidelines for the aftercare of your Paeonia plants:



Regular Watering: Peonies prefer consistently moist soil, especially during dry spells. Water deeply when the soil is dry to the touch but avoid waterlogged conditions. Ensure the root zone receives adequate moisture.



Mulch Maintenance: Continue to maintain a 2 to 3-inch layer of organic mulch around the base of peonies. Mulch helps retain soil moisture, suppress weeds, and insulate the roots from temperature extremes.



Spring Fertilisation: In early spring, as new shoots emerge, apply a balanced fertiliser or a fertiliser specifically formulated for peonies. Follow package instructions and avoid excessive nitrogen to prevent leggy growth.


Support Structures

Stake Support: Once the peony plants reach a few inches in height, install stakes or rings to support the heavy blooms. This helps prevent bending or breaking of the stems.


Pest and Disease Management

Vigilant Monitoring: Regularly inspect your peonies for signs of pests such as aphids or diseases like powdery mildew. Treat promptly with insecticidal soap or fungicides as needed, following package instructions.



Remove Spent Flowers: Deadhead spent flowers to encourage additional blooming and maintain a tidy appearance. Cut back the stems to just above a set of healthy leaves.



Autumn Pruning: In the autumn, after the first frost and once the foliage has turned brown, cut back the stems to ground level. Remove all plant debris from the garden to reduce the risk of diseases overwintering.


Division (Every Few Years):

Rejuvenation: Peonies benefit from division every 5 to 10 years. Divide the plant in the autumn, lifting the entire clump and separating it into sections with three to five eyes each. Replant the divisions.


Winter Care

Winter Mulching: In colder climates, consider applying an additional layer of winter mulch around the base of the peony plants to provide insulation and protect them from temperature fluctuations.


Observations and Adjustments

Monitor for Changes: Regularly monitor your peonies for changes in growth, colour, or any signs of stress. Adjust care practices based on the specific needs of your plants.


By adhering to these aftercare practices, you’ll help your Paeonia plants thrive, ensuring a garden filled with lush foliage and magnificent blooms each spring.

Customise care based on your specific peony variety and local weather forecasts.

Peonies are robust and resilient plants, but like any living organisms, they can be influenced by extreme weather conditions. Please be mindful of the following disclaimer:


Frost and Freezing Temperatures

Peonies may experience damage during late spring frosts or early autumn freezes. Protective measures, such as covering the plants, are advisable during unexpected temperature drops to mitigate potential harm.


Prolonged Heatwaves

Extended periods of extreme heat can stress peony plants. Adequate watering and providing temporary shading during intense heat can help alleviate potential heat stress.


Waterlogged Soil

Peonies prefer well-draining soil. Excessive rainfall leading to waterlogged conditions can increase the risk of root rot. Ensure proper drainage to avoid waterlogged soil.


Drought Conditions

While peonies appreciate regular moisture, extended drought can impact their health. Ensure consistent watering during dry spells to maintain optimal soil moisture levels.


Wind Damage

Peonies, especially those with large blooms, may be susceptible to wind damage. Staking or providing windbreaks can help prevent breakage during high winds.


Unpredictable Events

Natural variables like storms, hail, or other extreme weather phenomena can impact peonies despite best care practices. Unforeseen events may result in stress or damage beyond our control.


Customer Responsibility

Gardeners are responsible for monitoring local weather conditions and taking proactive measures. This includes providing protection during extreme weather events and adapting care practices accordingly.


No Guarantee

Due to the unpredictable nature of extreme weather, we cannot guarantee the outcome of peonies’ response to such conditions. Plants may exhibit stress or damage beyond our control.

If you have specific concerns or questions related to extreme weather impacts on your peonies, feel free to reach out. Our team is here to offer guidance and support within the scope of our expertise.




Note: This disclaimer serves to acknowledge the inherent unpredictability of extreme weather events and the associated risks to Peony plants. Your understanding and proactive care are crucial for ensuring the well-being of your garden.