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Stokesia, commonly known as Stokes’ Aster, is a delightful perennial that thrives in full sun and well-moistened soil, demonstrating its resilience when provided with ample moisture. Stokesia presents a clump-forming habit and showcases charming, daisy-like flowers that bring cheer to the garden from May through to June. These hardy specimens typically reach a height of around 90cm, flourishing under the right growing conditions. Our selection of Stokesia plants available for online purchase are well-established and ready to be planted, ensuring a seamless addition to your garden. With nationwide delivery across the UK.

Stokesia, commonly known as Stokes’ aster, is a beautiful perennial that produces striking, daisy-like flowers. Follow this comprehensive planting guide to ensure successful establishment and long-term growth of your Stokesia plants.


Choose the Right Location 

Sun Exposure: Plant Stokesia in a location with full sun to partial shade. While it tolerates some shade, full sun generally promotes better blooming.

Protection from Afternoon Sun: In hotter regions, provide some afternoon shade to protect the plants from intense sunlight.


Soil Preparation

Well-Draining Soil: Stokesia prefers well-draining, loamy soil. Incorporate organic matter like compost to improve soil structure.

pH Level: Aim for a slightly acidic to neutral pH level, around 6.0 to 7.0.


Planting Time

Spring or Autumn: Plant Stokesia in the spring or autumn when the soil is workable. Avoid extreme weather conditions.



Adequate Spacing: Space plants 12 to 18 inches apart to allow for proper airflow and prevent overcrowding.


Planting Depth

Proper Depth: Plant Stokesia at the same depth as they were in the nursery containers. Ensure the crown is at or slightly above soil level.



Regular Moisture: Keep the soil consistently moist during the growing season. Water deeply when the top inch of soil feels dry.

Mulch for Moisture Retention: Apply a layer of mulch around the base of the plants to retain soil moisture and suppress weeds.



Balanced Fertiliser: Apply a balanced, slow-release fertiliser in spring as new growth emerges. Avoid excessive nitrogen, as Stokesia prefers moderate fertility.



Regular Removal of Spent Blooms: Deadhead faded flowers to encourage continuous blooming and maintain a neat appearance.


Pest and Disease Management

Vigilant Monitoring: Regularly inspect plants for pests such as aphids or spider mites. Treat any infestations promptly with insecticidal soap.

Good Air Circulation: Ensure proper spacing and good air circulation to minimise the risk of fungal diseases.


Winter Care

Mulching in Autumn: Apply a layer of mulch around the base of the plants in late autumn to protect the roots from extreme cold temperatures.



Trimming for Shape: Prune back the plants in late autumn to remove dead or damaged growth and maintain a compact shape.

Division: Every few years, consider dividing clumps to rejuvenate the plant and maintain its vigour.


Observation and Adjustments

Regular Inspection: Keep a close eye on your Stokesia plants throughout the year. Adjust care practices based on observations of their health and performance.


Enjoying the Blooms

Stokesia flowers make wonderful cut flowers for floral arrangements. Harvest blooms for bouquets and enjoy their vibrant beauty indoors.


By following this planting guide, you can establish and maintain healthy Stokesia plants that will provide a delightful display of flowers in your garden.


Stokesia is a resilient perennial that benefits from proper aftercare to ensure continued health and abundant blooms. Follow these guidelines to care for your Stokesia plants after they have been established.



Consistent Moisture: Maintain consistent moisture during the growing season. Water deeply when the top inch of soil feels dry, particularly during dry spells.

Avoid Waterlogged Soil: Ensure well-draining soil to prevent waterlogging, as Stokesia plants are susceptible to root rot.



Mulch Application: Continue to apply a layer of organic mulch around the base of the plants. Mulch helps retain soil moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.



Balanced Fertiliser: Feed Stokesia plants with a balanced, slow-release fertiliser in early spring as new growth begins. Avoid excessive nitrogen, as these plants prefer moderate fertility.



Regular Removal of Spent Blooms: Deadhead faded flowers regularly to encourage continuous blooming and maintain a tidy appearance. This also prevents self-seeding.


Pest and Disease Management

Vigilant Monitoring: Regularly inspect plants for pests such as aphids or spider mites. Treat any infestations promptly with insecticidal soap.

Good Air Circulation: Maintain proper spacing between plants to ensure good air circulation and reduce the risk of fungal diseases.



Trimming for Shape: Prune back the plants in late autumn to remove dead or damaged growth and maintain a compact shape.

Division: Every few years, consider dividing clumps to rejuvenate the plant, control size, and promote healthy growth.


Winter Care

Mulching in Autumn: Apply a layer of mulch around the base of the plants in late autumn to protect the roots from extreme cold temperatures.

Cut Back in Spring: Trim away any winter-damaged or dead growth in early spring to encourage new growth.


Observation and Adjustments

Regular Inspection: Keep a close eye on Stokesia plants throughout the year. Adjust care practices based on observations of their health and performance.


By following this aftercare guide, you can promote the long-term health and beauty of your Stokesia plants, ensuring they continue to be a standout feature in your garden. Regular attention to their needs will contribute to their overall vigour and longevity.

The health and vitality of Stokesia plants are influenced by various environmental factors, including extreme weather conditions. It is important to recognise the potential impact of severe weather on the well-being of these plants. Please consider the following disclaimer:


Temperature Extremes

Stokesia plants may be sensitive to extreme temperatures, both high and low. Exposure to temperatures outside the recommended hardiness zones may lead to stress, reduced blooming, or potential damage.


Heat and Drought

Prolonged periods of extreme heat and drought can affect the health of Stokesia plants, leading to wilted foliage and diminished flowering. Adequate watering and shading during intense heat are recommended.


Frost and Freezing Conditions

Stokesia plants may be susceptible to frost and freezing temperatures. Protective measures, such as covering plants or bringing potted specimens indoors during frost warnings, are advisable.


Weather Adaptability

Stokesia plants exhibit varying degrees of adaptability to different climatic conditions. Consider the specific needs and tolerance of the selected variety in relation to the local climate.


Individual Plant Variability

Each Stokesia plant may respond differently to extreme weather events based on factors such as age, health, and overall vigor. Individual plants may exhibit varying degrees of resilience.


Disclaimer of Guarantee

While efforts are made to provide general guidelines for Stokesia plant care, this disclaimer acknowledges that individual plant responses to extreme weather conditions may vary. Outcomes are not guaranteed, and plant health depends on a combination of factors.


Consultation with Local Experts/Forecasts

In areas prone to specific weather extremes, it is advisable to consult with local horticultural experts or gardening professionals. They can provide insights and recommendations tailored to regional climate patterns.


Observation and Adaptation

Gardeners are encouraged to regularly observe their Stokesia plants, especially during and after extreme weather events. Prompt actions, such as pruning damaged parts or providing extra protection, can contribute to plant recovery.


This disclaimer serves as a reminder that Stokesia plants may face challenges during extreme weather conditions, and proactive care and adaptation are essential for maintaining their health and vitality. Individual plant responses may vary, emphasising the need for consideration of local climate conditions and specific plant varieties.